Janis's cousin Linda passed away : (

Janis’ cousin Linda passed away tonite during surgery. After her sister passed away last year after my brother Steve, Eliot said everyone is getting a full medical. Linda came diagnosed with diabetes and started treating that. She came out here for a Dodger game in July and looked great! She was discovered with pancreatic cancer, and during surgery they tried removing it and they cut the artery.   She was such a beautiful upbeat person.   Here she is at Dodger/Rockies game on July 28th of this year.  She's in the blue Dodger jersey.  


Patrick, Kelsay, Linda, Drew, Michelle, Raye, Eliot, and Janis at the Dodgers/Rockies game July 28th

Eliot, Raye, Michelle, Robby,  and all of Linda’s family, we are so sorry for your loss.    

xo  Tom and Janis
