
Beach Time!

Nice day at Point Magu with Burt and Selma, Dana, Kyle and Emi.. It was a celebration of Selma’s, Kyle’s, and Sophia’s birthday which is this Friday the 26th. Burt has a 32’ RV and was going to stay there for a few days it’s a nice RV park, right on the beach just south of Point Magu.

Sophia had a fever ester day and also today, so spent a lot of time on daddy’s shoulder. Her molars are coming in so that was causing her feaver.

Dominican Republic - Puerto Plata

Went to the Dominican Republic for a week using a timeshare transfer that we have. used the timeshare, program, and unfortunately, we had no idea what we were in for.

After flying all night, and checking into the place, which was maybe a 2 on a 5 star rating. (They had a small leaf filled pool, the beach was horrible, they only had 1 of the 3 restaurants open). They immediately took us to another timeshare place, which was about an hour away, “just to see what it looks like”.

After being shown the Beautiful grounds, 10 pools, 26 bars, 10 restaurants, they take us to a timeshare presentation. We told them FOUR times that we were not interested in getting another time share, we already had one. They assured us that they were going to pay off our time share when we purchased this one. (which actually is not a timeshare company but a “club”.

We signed on the dotted line, and then went back an hour to get our things from the hotel and then an hour back to the Lifestyle Holidays Vacation Club.

Photography, dolphins, Torrance Beach

Today was a busy day- had to rebuild my moms computer that had crashed, hate when that happens.   And then I went to the beach with Janis over to Torrance Beach on the way to bringing the computer over to my moms and we saw about 15-20 dolphins jumping and surfing the waves, and having a good ole time!    It was cold (not cold for the USA standard but cold for So Cal (which means it was 53)   and here's some of the dolphins


Mike was a surfer that I met along with his parents who were watching the dolphins with us.  Mike was surfing and having a good ole time and was ready to leave, but I talked him into going back out in the water to surf with the dolphins.  They didn't get too close to him but I got some good shots anyway!
